Community Connections
Dairyland employees volunteer throughout the year to give back to the local communities where we do business
As a founding member of the Touchstone Energy Cooperatives brand, Dairyland Power Cooperative works to sustain a powerful connection with the communities where we operate facilities through participation in numerous community events and projects.
The region’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives support the Wisconsin state high school track meet, regional basketball tournaments, parades, fairs and many other events.
For nearly 20 years, Dairyland has been a “Pacesetter” company for the Great Rivers United Way. Employees annually "set the pace" for generous community giving through volunteering and monetary donations.
Annually, Dairyland employees team up for the Gundersen Health System's Steppin' Out in Pink Run-Walk, assist at Rotary Lights (a community event that brightens the holidays and raises donations for area food pantries) and hold a Community Gift Program where employees purchase holiday gifts for neighboring nursing home residents.
As a cooperative, one of our founding principles is to help educate and strengthen the communities we serve. To help develop the Myrick Park Center in La Crosse, Dairyland donated $10,000 to fund an educational display about the Peregrine Falcon. Since 1997, Dairyland has been instrumental in helping bring back the once-endangered Peregrine Falcon species to the Upper Mississippi River Valley. A nesting box is located at Dairyland’s power plant facility in Alma, Wis., and the "Bird Cam" goes live every spring to monitor each nesting pair and their chicks. More than 160 falcon chicks have hatched at Dairyland’s nesting sites since the falcon restoration program began.
At Dairyland Power Cooperative, our mission is to continue powering our communities and empowering cooperative members to improve the quality of their lives.