1024 system map

Dairyland Power Cooperative generates electricity by using both traditional and renewable energy resources to provide safe, reliable and affordable electricity. Dairyland owns and operates several power plants utilizing a progressive 'all of the above' strategy: hydroelectric, natural gas, coal, landfill gas and solar generation. Below is a quick breakdown of our generation mix:


Renewable Energy

Dairyland purchases wind and additional hydro, solar and biomass generation from facilities in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

Member cooperatives promote renewable energy to their consumer-members through Evergreen, a voluntary program in which members can choose to support Dairyland’s renewable energy resources.

Dairyland’s commitment to renewable resources grows each year, with new projects coming online regularly.

Consumer-owned renewable energy

Dairyland works with our member cooperatives on policies that enable the development of consumer-owned renewable energy projects, including wind turbines and photovoltaic arrays (solar). More than 3,300 consumer-owned distribution generation installations are located throughout Dairyland’s service territory.

Dairyland is also a leader in the National Renewables Cooperative Organization, a national cooperative to develop cost-effective renewable energy resources for electric cooperatives across the nation.

For detailed information, click on any of the links below:

Hydroelectric Power

Flambeau Hydroelectric Station

Flambeau | Sartell

Dairyland's Flambeau Hydroelectric Station (pictured on the front of this card - 18.96 MW) has been producing quiet, emission-free electricity in northern Wisconsin since 1951. Through Dairyland's stewardship program, the Dairyland Reservoir is a premier fishing destination in northern Wisconsin - hosting the 2019 Governor's Fishing Opener. More information regarding water levels, living with dams, recreation opportunities and surrounding parks along the reservoir's 24 miles of shoreline can be found here.

Dairyland also purchases power from the Sartell Hydro Project (10 MW) in Sartell, Minn., and the Manitoba Hydro Exchange (50 MW). 



Flambeau dam is 90 feet tall


Turbines = 18.8 MW


Total hydroelectric capacity


John P. Madgett Station

JPM | Weston 4

The John P. Madgett Station (JPM) - pictured on the front - is south of the former Alma Station site, along the Mississippi River in Alma, Wis. JPM has been in commercial operation since November 1979. The single-unit station has a generating capacity of 387 MW. The facility was named after the late John P. Madgett, Dairyland's general manager from 1947 to 1978.

Coal combustion byproduct (ash) from JPM that isn’t recycled is transported to the Alma Off-Site facility. There, the byproduct is pressure pumped into a holding silo preceding treatment and disposal. Dairyland collaborates on research to progress the beneficial reuse of the byproduct for use in concrete and agriculture applications.

Dairyland is also a 30 percent owner in the 595 MW Weston 4 power plant (Wausau, Wis.) The facility achieved commercial operation on June 30, 2008, and is operated by Wisconsin Public Service Corp., the majority owner. Weston 4 uses clean coal technology, a high efficiency boiler, low sulfur coal as fuel and features sophisticated emission controls to minimize environmental impacts. 


MW of capacity


$179 million to build


Weston 4 - MW of capacity

Combustion Turbines

elk mound

Elk Mound | RockGen

Dairyland Power Cooperative’s two Elk Mound Combustion Turbines (pictured) in Chippewa County, Wis., came online in June 2001. The two combustion turbines contribute approximately 70 MW of reliable peaking capacity and energy. These units are crucial to maintaining a reliable and affordable energy supply.

The dual-fuel combustion turbines (fuel oil and natural gas) operate about 1,000 hours a year, especially during peak operating times (typically the hottest days of summer and coldest days of winter). The site is served by existing transmission lines and is adjacent to Dairyland’s substation site near Elk Mound, Wis., which has been owned and operated by Dairyland since 1960.

In Dec. 2021, Dairyland acquired the RockGen Energy Center (Cambridge, Wis.). The facility is a 503-MW natural gas power plant that can ramp up and down quickly to support intermittent solar and wind resources. Read more about the acquisition here (Aug. '21 release) and here (Dec. '21 release).


MW at Elk Mound


CTs at Elk Mound provide electricity during peak demand


MW at RockGen


wind energy

Dairyland's Wind Portfolio

Dairyland has power purchase agreements for more than 200 MW of wind generation, mostly located in southwest Wisconsin, southeast Minnesota, northwest Iowa and South Dakota. Facilities include:

Landfill Gas-to-Energy


Landfill Gas-to-Energy

The natural byproduct of the residential waste landfills, methane gas, is the fuel used to generate renewable energy at each site:

Central Disposal Landfill Generating Station (Lake Mills, Iowa)

The 4.8 MW Central Disposal landfill gas-to-energy (LGE) generating facility can power 4,000 homes. Dairyland Power Cooperative purchases the renewable energy from the owner of the landfill, Waste Management, Inc.

Central Disposal is located near Lake Mills, Iowa. The LGE plant came online in spring 2006.

Timberline Trail Landfill Generating Station (Bruce, Wis.)

The 5.6 MW Timberline Trail landfill gas-to-energy (LGE) generating facility can power 4,660 homes. Dairyland Power Cooperative purchases the renewable energy from the owner of the landfill, Waste Management, Inc.

The Timberline Trail Landfill Generating Station is located near Bruce, Wis. The LGE plant came online in spring 2006.




Dairyland's solar generation capacity of nearly 45 megawatts (MW) is a shining example of working collaboratively to align business decisions with Dairyland's Sustainable Generation Plan of resource diversification. Many of Dairyland's solar facilities within its service territory include a community solar project for the host member distribution cooperative. All of Dairyland's solar sites will also feature pollinator gardens to help sustain bee and butterfly populations. Native grasses and flowering forbs create the gardens.

Badger State Solar

In 2019, Dairyland announced a power purchase agreement with Ranger Power for Badger State Solar - a proposed 149-megawatt (MW) array to be located in the Towns of Jefferson and Oakland in Jefferson County, Wis. The Badger State Solar Project will generate enough renewable energy to power more than 20,000 homes. Pollinator habitat is also planned for the site. If approved, construction of Badger State Solar should begin in 2024 with commercial operation commencing in 2025. click here for the full press release

This table highlights Dairyland's solar investments that are currently online and generating power. Dairyland also purchases energy from major solar installations in Westby, Wis. (Vernon Electric Cooperative) and Oronoco, Minn. (People's Energy Cooperative/Minnesota Three).