The demolition of the 500-foot stack and main building of Dairyland’s retired Genoa Station #3 power plant was completed safely and on schedule on March 19. The demolition marked the end of an era and was a major milestone in the final decommissioning and dismantlement of G-3 as part of Dairyland’s energy transition plans.
Click here for the demolition video. (Dairyland also streamed the event live on Facebook.)
President & CEO Brent Ridge emphasized Dairyland's commitment to a low-carbon future, within the guardrails of safety, reliability and affordability. "Dairyland is 100 percent behind renewable energy and carbon reduction, and 101 percent behind our commitment as a critical service provider to supply safe, reliable and affordable energy," said Ridge.
Dairyland’s Genoa Station #3 coal-fired 345 MW power plant was retired on June 1, 2021, following 52 years of providing safe, reliable power to the region. Dismantlement and decommissioning of G-3 has since proceeded safely and in full compliance with regulatory requirements. Dairyland contracted with Veit Co. on the demolition and removal.