Strategic Purpose:
Asset Reliability & Diversification | Cooperative Principles
Project Contact: Yvonne Gildemaster 
Related Resources: Maps


Pine Lake to Dunn Ethanol

Dairyland Power Cooperative is rebuilding 20 miles of 69,000-volt (69 kV) transmission line from Xcel Energy's Pine Lake Transmission Substation located on 230th Street in St. Croix County, Wis., to the Dairyland Connorsville Distribution Substation located in Dunn County, Wis. The line is aging and reaching the end of its asset life. The project will involve removing the existing line and rebuilding it into the existing corridor. The project also includes building 12 miles of 69 kV transmission line from the Dairyland Connorsville Distribution Substation to the Dairyland Dunn Ethanol Distribution Substation. The purpose of building this new line is to increase local distribution capacity and improve system reliability for the cooperative members in these service territories.   

Project At A Glance

Counties where facilities may be placed St. Croix & Dunn Counties (Wis.)
Distribution Cooperative Service Territories  

Dunn Energy   St. Croix

Line length 32 miles
Voltage 69 kV
Estimated project cost $14 million
End points Xcel Energy's Pine Lake South transmission substation to Dairyland's Dunn Ethanol distribution substation

Schedule (all dates are anticipated and subject to change)

Right-of-way acquisition August 2018
Start of construction (right-of-way clearing) January 2022
Foundations, structures, line construction November 2022
Target in-service date 2027


69 kV Transmission Line

69 kV