Dairyland offers some simple tips to help you reduce energy consumption, which in turn will save you money:
- Contact your local energy cooperative to learn more about a conservation program called load management. The program works by controlling energy use (load) during periods of peak electrical demand, while maintaining the comfort of your home. This saves you money and helps to preserve the environment by decreasing the need for additional power.
- Procrastinate! In warm months, put off chores that add humidity to your household—such as laundry and running the dishwasher—until cooler hours when the demand for energy is reduced.
- Replace your air conditioner and furnace filters regularly. A dirty air filter wastes money because it blocks airflow, making the motor work harder for the same level of comfort.
- Close curtains and blinds when the sun is directly on the window. This can reduce the heat gain in your home by up to half. By the same token, opening the curtains to let in the sun during the winter will help warm your home.
- Insulate and ventilate your attic. If your attic isn’t properly ventilated, some of the heat and cold will spread through your home. Insulation also helps keep temperatures contained.
- Use ceiling fans to supplement your air conditioner’s cooling ability or use the fans in place of your air conditioner on less humid days.
- Use a programmable thermostat. Set it at different levels for when you are not at home—a higher level during summer months and a lower level during winter months.
- Plant shade trees a safe distance from power lines. Trees are a natural and effective home cooling tool, as they prevent
full sun from beating down on your home. Mature trees can reduce the home temperature by several degrees.
- Shop for Energy Star appliances and light bulbs. The ENERGY STAR label is awarded to those products that meet or exceed criteria for energy efficiency and are as much as 10 to 50 percent more efficient than ordinary appliances. Click here to learn more about the ENERGY STAR program.