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Photo: Chief Member Relations and HR Officer Amanda Hoefling, Director, Communications and Marketing Deb Mirasola, VP, Government and Community Relations Brian Rude, Manager, Publication Services Kris Sexton, Linda Powers (River Valley Architects), Becky Flege (Fowler & Hammer) and Project Engineer III Staci Pieper take a ceremonial scoop with the golden shovels during the groundbreaking ceremony. To maintain safety, the small group of attendees at the outdoor event wore masks (in addition to hard hats and eye protection) and limited contact. 

Dairyland Power Cooperative recently celebrated the groundbreaking of a building for its Publication Services Department. Currently housed in Dairyland’s Administration Building, Publication Services provides comprehensive, high quality and affordable printing, graphic design and mail services.

Construction has begun on the new Publication Services building at Dairyland’s La Crosse Service Center site on East Avenue, across from the Dairyland Administration Building. The 9,032 square foot building will be equipped with state-of-the-art publication facilities and is expected to be complete later this fall.

“Dairyland’s Publication Services area offers a high-value auxiliary benefit to many organizations. It is staffed by talented professionals who have a total focus on customer satisfaction. Dairyland is grateful to our Board and leadership for investing in the facility for the next generation of service to our members and their communities,” said Brian Rude, Dairyland Vice President, Government and Community Relations.

The Publication Services Department serves approximately 100 customers, comprised of Dairyland’s member cooperatives, other cooperatives in the region and across the nation, municipal utilities and nonprofit organizations.

“This new facility will provide the needed space to modernize our printing and mailing technology, which will enhance the safety and efficiency of our graphic design, printing and mailing services,” said Kris Sexton, Dairyland Manager, Publication Services.

Dairyland is utilizing local and regional contractors for facility construction: Fowler & Hammer, River Valley Architects, Modern Mechanical, Padesky Electric, Galileo Consulting Group, Eirschele Consulting, Advanced Engineering Concepts, La Crosse Backhoe, Braun Intertec, Running Land Surveying, Interstate Roofing, La Crosse Glass, Big River Painting, Glass Service Center, River City Ready Mix, Mid-City Steel Fabricating, Kroner Hardware, Midwest Millwork & Casework, County Materials Corporation.

About Dairyland Power Cooperative:  Dairyland, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative, was formed in December 1941. Headquartered in La Crosse, Wis., Dairyland provides the wholesale electrical requirements for 24 distribution cooperatives and 17 municipal utilities. These cooperatives and municipals, in turn, supply the energy needs of more than a half-million people in the four-state service area. For more information, visit