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Concern for Community is a guiding Cooperative Principle and Dairyland encourages employees to give of their time and talents to local communities. Many Dairylanders volunteered for the Great Rivers United Way's Day of Caring on July 13, working through the rain and humidity with smiles on their faces. Team Dairyland completed projects for the Boy Scouts, Hunger Task Force, WAFER Food Pantry, Parenting Place and the United Way administrative offices. Thank you for landscaping, cleaning, distributing United Way flyers, painting, gardening and sharing your construction skills to make our community a better place! 

About the Day of Caring: Every year in mid-July, the Great Rivers United Way hosts the Day of Caring. It is United Way Worldwide’s version of a national “Day of Action” and was started for corporate partners to “set the pace” for the community-wide giving campaign that kicks off in the fall. Volunteer activities range from landscaping to cleaning to client interaction.