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Approximately 600 electric cooperative leaders and guests attended Dairyland Power’s 73rd annual meeting on June 4. Dan Korn, Chairman of the Board and director representing Vernon Electric, presided over the meeting. The theme of the meeting was Together. By working together, Dairyland and its member cooperatives reliably and affordably meet energy needs while improving the quality of life in local communities.

William Berg, Dairyland President and CEO, wove the theme through what was his final annual meeting address. Berg will be retiring at the end of 2014 after a 40-year career with Dairyland, with nearly 25 years as President and CEO. Berg’s interest in world history has frequently provided the storyline for his annual meeting speeches. This final address showcased Henry the Navigator, a Portuguese prince who lived in the 15th century and had the long-term vision to establish a sea route around Africa to access the rich trading area of the Far East.

“His vision made him that navigator, and each one of us in our own roles as members of our local electric cooperative and Dairyland, should be like Henry the Navigator,” said Berg.

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