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May is Electrical Safety Month, but storms at any time of the year can damage transmission infrastructure, leading to potentially life-threatening electrical contact risks. (Photo: Downed poles and lines near Caledonia, Minn., in June 2022.) 

If you come across a downed power line, always assume the line is live and dangerous. Power lines can energize the ground up to 35 feet in diameter, which is the length of three cars. 

  • Immediately call 911 to report the downed line. Never try to move a downed line, and never drive over a downed line or anything in contact with it. If your vehicle comes into contact with a downed power line and it can’t move, tell others to stay away and call 911. Don’t exit the vehicle unless you see smoke or fire.
  • If you do see smoke or fire, jump from the vehicle with your feet together and shuffle away, avoiding lifting your feet. Do not touch the ground and the vehicle at the same time.

Watch this video on how to stay safe if you encounter a downed power line - and share it with your work team, friends and family for 200% accountability.