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Employees are our greatest asset and as part of our People First initiative, we want to recognize the people behind the power. Our employees are a major factor in Dairyland being a Great Place to Work and a sustainable and reliable power provider. The employee spotlight series features an employee each month, shining a spotlight on their interests and what it’s like to be a part of the Dairyland team.

Employee Spotlight On
Jeff Sedlmayr
Manager, Generation Safety

What is your job and what do you like most about it?
As Manager, Generation Safety, the best part about my job are the many different opportunities that arise, allowing me to work with a vast array of people within and around our organization.

What makes Dairyland a great place to work?
It’s awesome to play a role in Dairyland's mission to provide a service to our members to improve their quality of lives. The same can be said for Dairyland and how they treat their employees.

What led you to work in this field?
Opportunity. Safety has allowed me the opportunity to work with so many individuals and build networks across many different organizations. This allows me to make a difference within our workforce's lives. Collaborating with our workforce and continuously improving the quality of our work environment will always be my main goal.

Life outside of work. Tell us about your favorite things.
Outside of work I enjoy time with my family and friends. You can usually find us fishing, hunting, traveling and attending different levels of sporting events. I also enjoy mentoring/coaching youth in the same activities I mentioned above.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
If you do not go after what you want, you will never get it. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.

What motivates you?
To be a better person today than I was yesterday.

Where's your favorite local spot?
Mississippi River

How are you involved in the community/where do you volunteer?
I'm the President of the Alma Little League and I help coordinate for the Pepin/Alma legion baseball team.