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Photo: Dairyland President & CEO Brent Ridge stands behind Harmony Mayor Steve Donney as the mayor cuts the ribbon at the May 12 facility dedication. Representatives from MiEnergy Cooperative, the City of Harmony, Harmony Economic Development Authority, local contractors and Dairyland attended.  

A ribbon cutting event was held for Dairyland's new Harmony (Minn.) Service Center on May 12. "The facility will support the safe and reliable delivery of electricity by serving as a regional base of operations for area line and electrical maintenance crew members, as well as a telecommunications presence," said Dairyland President & CEO Brent Ridge. "Dairyland is grateful for the support from the City of Harmony, MiEnergy Cooperative and the local business community for making this project successful."

Regional contractors involved in the facility included: Knutson Construction, Morem Electric, Canton Heating & Cooling, Haugerud Painting, Kingsley Mercantile, Inc., Newline Mechanical, Winona Heating & Ventilating, River Valley Architects. 

Pollinator habitat established at the Service Center site
The 23,000 square foot facility is located on 10 acres of land in Harmony, Minn. Dairyland has planted three acres of pollinator habitat around the Harmony Service Center site with Pollinator Palooza seed mix. Once established, the 47 species of shortgrass will support bee, butterfly and insect pollinator populations.