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Gov. Tony Evers has appointed Dairyland President and CEO Barb Nick to the Governor’s Council on Workforce Investment.

Nick will serve as a business representative on the council. "Your experience, knowledge and dedication will be a true asset to my administration and a great benefit to the people of Wisconsin," said Gov. Evers in his confirmation letter to Nick.

The Governor’s Council on Workforce Investment assists the governor in developing innovative and dynamic approaches to develop Wisconsin’s workplace. The Council is charged with aiding employers in finding the employees they need and providing resources to enable access to training for in-demand careers, with the goal of moving the state’s economy forward.

"I am pleased to have the opportunity to provide input on workforce, especially from the perspective of western Wisconsin, rural areas and our service territory. I am hoping we can also focus on connections to our K-12 and higher education partners in our part of the state," said Nick.

Members may include business leaders, elected officials and representatives from education, labor and community organizations. The Council also works with the Department of Workforce Development to craft comprehensive workforce strategy.