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Employees are Dairyland's greatest asset and as part of our People First culture, we want to recognize the people behind the power. Our employees are a major factor in Dairyland being a Great Place to Work and a sustainable and reliable power provider. The employee spotlight series features an employee each month, shining a spotlight on their interests and what it’s like to be a part of the Dairyland team.

Employee Spotlight On
Kelsie Olson
Visual Communications Coordinator

What is your job and what do you like most about it?
The two main components of my job are providing audio/visual support for different events and meetings, and photography/video production. I like how versatile my job is and that I get to work with many different people across the organization. I’m often able to get outside of the office when shooting photo/video in the field. Being able to witness and learn about the hard work our plant and field crews conduct is an opportunity I greatly appreciate. I’ve seen nearly all the different parts and pieces that it takes for our cooperative to successfully fulfill our mission of delivering safe and reliable power.

My job allows me to work with our Board of Directors, the Dairyland Managers Association, co-op members, our Executive Team, visiting legislators/special guests and employees from all different locations and departments throughout the Dairyland system. I’m also thankful to be a part of a Communications and Member Services team that is filled with awesome people who support one another. 

What makes Dairyland a great place to work?
Dairyland values its employees and is truly a People First organization. The people here are great to work with and always strive for excellence. Our leaders here actively listen to their employees and regularly take actions to better the workplace. Dairyland also promotes a culture of safety and supports its employees by giving them the tools they need to succeed. The implementation of flex work hours and work from home options allow employees to have a fulfilling work-life balance, which is a great benefit to have.

What led you to work in this field?
I consider myself to be a creative person, so I definitely needed to work in a field that allowed me to flex those skills. I’ve always been interested in film and video production ever since I was a kid. As a toddler, I was always trying to get my hands on the family’s camcorder and when I got older, I loved making silly YouTube videos with my friends. 

Life outside of work. Tell us about your favorite things.
I love going to concerts and live shows. It always feels so special to see your favorite artists/performers in person and to be in an environment where you share a common interest with the strangers around you. I also enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given? (Or favorite quote)
“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C. S. Lewis

What’s on your bucket list?
Scuba diving – I’d love to get my certification someday and travel around the world to different coral reefs.

What was the best thing that happened to you this month?
My 30th birthday!