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The 2020 Peregrine falcon nesting season is a success at both Dairyland’s Genoa and Alma power plant nesting sites. In June, the four chicks at the Alma Site were banded.

“Every chick receives a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service band and a numbered identification band from the Raptor Resource Project. Information such as name, gender, age and nest is recorded in a database. That way, if one of these birds returns, we can look up the band number and determine if it has returned home,” said Ben Campbell, Dairyland Environmental Biologist II. 

Amy Ries and John Howe with the Raptor Resource Project safely performed the banding. 

The four falcon chicks in Alma were identified as three males and one female. One falcon was named Ricky in memory of Rick Jennings, who worked at Dairyland's Genoa Station #3. 

The chicks at both nesting sites are expected to fledge their nest in the next few weeks, roughly 40 days from the hatch date.