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Congratulations to Site Manager, Generation Assets Steve Hintz for earning the June People Powers award! Steve was nominated by Vice President, Generation Jeremy Browning for acting with a Raise the Bar mindset.

In his justification, Jeremy identified how Steve's actions and attitude have raised the bar on safety culture and reliability. “Steve's leadership has resulted in improved generating asset reliability, reduced operating costs and most importantly, he has created and maintained a healthy safety culture," said Jeremy. One example of Steve's "out of the box thinking" was illustrated in his Elk Mound and RockGen maintenance outage preparations. "A significant amount of work was completed during the outage windows to improve operational reliability, safety and efficiency. Additionally, Steve helped facilitate the transfer of the operation of RockGen from a business partner to Dairyland and put in place new leadership and governance structure. This was conducted in a manner that improved work quality, safety culture and employee work satisfaction. Recently the Elk Mound, RockGen and Flambeau units operated well during a declared MISO Reliability event. These results would not have been achieved without Steve's leadership and commitment.”

Thank you, Steve, for your diligence and creativity while exemplifying our Raise the Bar People Power!