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Special recognition was made to Dairyland Power Cooperative line crews on April 8 in celebration of National Lineworker Appreciation Day. President & CEO Brent Ridge paid tribute to the safe, essential and around-the-clock critical service provided by Dairyland's lineworkers. 

Dairyland's dedicated and highly skilled journeyman and apprentice lineworkers work safely in challenging conditions across our four-state service territory.

Field crews are an integral part of our critical work force. Transmission professionals deliver on Dairyland’s Mission to power local communities by safely maintaining the complex infrastructure needed for a reliable supply of energy. Our line professionals span many areas and levels, including apprentice, journeymen, lead, foreperson, management and safety positions. 

Curious about the lineworker field or other opportunities? Check out Dairyland's Careers page to learn more about our Great Place to Work!