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President & CEO Brent Ridge and Manager, System Operations Center (SOC) Eric Hammes (pictured) were recently interviewed by WXOW-TV 19 in Dairyland's recently revamped SOC. Ridge and Hammes spoke with the reporter about how the SOC's modernized capabilities support Dairyland's Mission, grid reliability and the clean energy transition. Click here to access the feature coverage. 

About Dairyland's SOC Modernization Project: 
Prior to the project start in October 2022, Dairyland’s System Operations Center had been in continual operation for over 30 years. “Equipment end-of-life, evolving System Operator tasks, new standards for 24/7 control desk ergonomics and new technology improvements highlighted a need to evaluate the current control center facility environment. As part of that, we determined what changes could be made to ensure the SOC meets and exceeds expectations that will be brought by the complex future operating environment,” said Hammes.

Modernization was completed earlier this year. Benefits include:

  • Improved operator situational awareness tools to support current and future tasks
  • The 1980s tile mapboard has been replaced with a multifunctional video wall
  • Enhanced infrastructure to support severe weather events, with a fully functional operator support desk directly behind the real-time desk
  • Improved operator ergonomics to support employee wellness during 12-hour shifts.