Many factors are considered when making important business decisions regarding generation facilities...
PSCW commissioners verbally approved issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (...

President & CEO Nick Announces Retirement

Tuesday | January 7, 2020
Barbara Nick has announced plans to retire in July 2020. A search, both internally and nationally, f...

Dairyland Partners with Hintgen Elementary

Wednesday | November 27, 2019
Dairyland donated $2,000 to help fund snacks for the students.

Chuck Thompson Receives MVAC Award

Friday | November 8, 2019
Thompson earned MVAC Special Recognition Award for showing exemplary commitment to protecting archae...
Dairyland employees presented a check to the Buffalo County Sheriff's Department in November to supp...

E.J. Stoneman Station Time Capsule Reveal

Monday | November 4, 2019
In October, former plant employees shared a photo with the Village showing a copper time capsule set...
The task force will advise and assist the governor in developing a strategy to mitigate and adapt to...