Dairyland Attended White House Solar Summit

Wednesday | April 16, 2014
Dairyland participated in the White House Solar Summit and Champions of Change event in April at the...

Dam Safety Awareness Week - April 7-12

Thursday | April 10, 2014
Dairyland and the Midwest Hydro Users Group are observing Dam Safety Awareness Week April 7-12, 2014...

Dairyland Expands Solar Energy Resources

Tuesday | March 11, 2014
Dairyland will purchase power from a 520-kW array at Vernon Electric Cooperative near Westby, Wis.

Dairyland Urging Caution on Flambeau Reservoir

Thursday | February 20, 2014
Dairyland Power Cooperative urges caution around the Dairyland Reservoir (Lake Flambeau) as the coop...

Dairyland Announces Solar Project

Thursday | January 16, 2014
Dairyland will purchase the renewable energy produced by a 517-kW solar array owned and managed by M...
Dairyland Power Cooperative donates $2,000 to the Vernon County Sheriff’s Department
Dairyland Power Cooperative donates $15,000 to the Town of Genoa toward the purchase of a new water ...
Dairyland Power is implementing plans to indefinitely suspend operations at the coal-fired Alma Stat...